To use this plugin you should have at least The Countdown Pro version 1.3. The expiration functionality can easily be added to a content with message before or after the expiration. This supports all custom post type. Listing all the post that have expiration can be done with widget or shortcode. All styles and scripts area pulled in the header section. Every each counter have their own selector that enables you to create spesifics style or script to the selector.
Key Features & options
- Date Picker for your until or since counter.
- Expiry Text text to display upon expiry, replacing the countdown.
- Date Format easy to use custom date format for display.
- Custom Labels the display texts for the counters, singular, plural name, or with compact.
- Custom Callbacks for expiry or on tick even.
- Tick Interval interval in seconds between on tick callbacks
- Template styles custom background and colors.
- Intro text & Outro text, if you want to add additional text or HTML .
- Custom Style & Script if you want to add additional CSS style or javascript per widget ID, custom post, or using global value.